
Home Classes

Beginner Dance Classes

Beginner dance classes commence four or five times a year for an initial 6 week course at our Tauranga Dance School. These are then continued in blocks of 6 weeks to enable greater proficiency and a wider range of dances to be learnt.

We make your decision to attend our Beginner Dance Classes easy as we provide 2 different nights at 2 different venues. If you choose a regular night at our Dance School and miss a session for any particular reason, you are most welcome to join alternative nights available within the duration of that 6 week dance course. Not only does Supreme Dance Centre make it flexible for you to attend, but also create an enjoyable environment and make dancing easy to learn due to the smaller size dance groups.

At our Dance School partners are not essential as we do our utmost to provide you with someone (sometimes of an advanced level) to dance with.

As dancers progress in ability they may wish to gain further merit recognition by preparing for and passing dance medals in any of the three Dance Style (Ballroom, Latin American and New Vogue) from bronze through silver to gold and higher levels of attainment.

Twice a year these proficiency examinations are offered at our Tauranga Dance School in 2 dance, 3 dance, 4 dance and 5 dance categories. An external examiner marks dancing performances in these practical dance tests where you can dance with Sonia or Hugh or your regular partner. At Supreme Dance Centre “Exam” days are usually followed by a social dance in the evening, and there is a studio dance party near Christmas.

Dance classes continue to accommodate this advancement but as higher levels are reached private dance tuition may also be worthwhile.

Local and regional dance competition events provide for those with dancesport competition ambitions, from preliminary ungraded category through to grade levels.


2025 Classes

Start Date




6 Week Social Beginner Course
SPECIAL PROMOTION : $65 per person

6 May 2025



Welcome Bay Primary School Hall,
309 Welcome Bay Road, Tauranga

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Ongoing Class Schedule

2025 Classes Day Time Venue

Improvers Ballroom/Latin

Tuesday 7pm - 8pm Welcome Bay Primary School Hall, 
309 Welcome Bay Road, Tauranga

Beginner/Improvers Ballroom/Latin


6pm - 7pm

Welcome Bay Primary School Hall

Improvers/Advanced Ballroom/Latin


7pm - 8pm

Welcome Bay Primary School Hall
Private Lessons by arrangement